Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Late Summer Organizing

I'd like to thank our Guest Blogger, Terri Lynn Mabbit of Chaos2Calm for contributing to today's post. This will be the first of three in a series on organizing.

First day of class is just around the corner, and with that comes the mounting pile of paperwork that goes along with it. I asked Teri Lynn a few questions on tips for managing the mess and here's what she had to say:

When is it ok to destroy important papers (7 years, 3 years, 1 year?)?
The answer is all three! The amount of time you hold on to papers depends on the type of paper you have. For anything related to the IRS and your tax filing, refer to http://www.irs.gov/individuals/index.html for specific IRS guidelines. Of course the document retention guidelines for individuals versus business owners will be completely different so be sure to look in the appropriate section. Better yet, If you own a business or have a more complicated tax situation, ask your CPA for a "retention schedule" that will list out all the documents that you should retain. For ALL the other documents here are some questions to ask yourself in order to determine what you need to keep and what you can shred.

Checking deposit slips- toss after you double check the monthly statement
Paycheck stub- only keep the December stub, toss the rest after you confirm all is correct, toss the December version long enough to verify the W-2 is correct
Documents to keep indefinitely- Marriage/birth/death/divorce papers, SS cards and numbers, estates, trusts etc.

What do you recommend for home bill and all the frivolous snail mail management?
There are only three types of paper that come into our life:
*Paper that needs to be tossed
*Paper that needs to be filed
*Paper that requires some action on our part ("to do")

Although Junk mail is a problem from an environmental standpoint it's not the cause of our paper disorganization! The real issue is that most of us have a breakdown in our paper management systems. We don't know what to file or how to file it, we don't know how to properly manage our "to-do's" and we mismanage our time. This is the true cause of the paper backlog on our desks, not the junk mail. A proper paper "flow" with a working file system, project management or "to-do" system and big trash can will take away our junk mail woes. This doesn't solve the environmental impact of course but that is another discussion!

Thanks Teri Lynn for this intro into paper organzation! Stay tuned for more tips!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Liven Up Your Life with COLOR!

Fuchsia, Aubergine, Hot Spice; Venetian plaster, Gilding, Faux Marble .... words from my journey into the world of a Manhattan Interior Designer.

Prior to a recent weekend trip to visit my aunt and uncle in NYC, I was very comfortable living in my earthen oasis of browns, reds and blues. In the past, bright, "loud" colors have always made me think of flashy, old women that retire in Florida and put pink flamingos in the front lawn. I've spent the better half of my adult life sprinting from anything remotely similar.

Needless to say, when my dear aunt Trisha - who is an Interior Designer- started telling me about her new house we were about to visit and began rambling off all these crazy, unfamiliar colors and finishes, I checked out faster than a Vegas dealer flips cards. That is, until I had the first-hand opportunity to experience life from her gilded walls.

Colors have long been known to have an effect on our body's energy. In the early 1900's Max Luscher created standard method of diagnosis based on emotional reactions to color and in India, Ayurvedic healers have used color therapy for thousands of years. It's no wonder that Trisha has boundless energy. Could it possibly be from her enthusiastic application of pink? (Was I starting to feel more lively, too?)

From the dining room (plastered fuchsia) to the living room (layered greens) to the master bedroom (gilded gold), not one inch was overlooked and every vignette had a story. More than a showpiece, her townhouse is a living work of art brimming with complimentary hues, shapes and history.

Since visiting, my pink Flamingo lady image is starting to fade and I am whole-heartedly excited to incorporate a little va-voom into my subdued, earthy life. My first project is the master bedroom, next stop, family room. Thanks for the inspiration!

To help you get color inspired, look out for the fall issue of Boulder County Home & Garden Magazine coming Oct 1st.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Enter to Win FREE Energy!

Who says the officials of Boulder don't care? This just in ... Xcel Energy has teamed up with the City of Boulder (and various other caring businesses) to give away a FREE energy makeover! How cool - or hot - is that?

The contest doesn't start until Friday (7/13) so link up your Blackberry (or simply mark your calendar) then log on to the Smart Energy Living website to put your name in the pot.

Click here for more info.

Stay tuned for results!