Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Manage your Holiday Hangover Before it Happens

The holidays are traditionally the time of year when, for some reason, people feel alright about overindulging. They come but once a year, and gosh darn it, we're going to enjoy ourselves. For the entire month of December it's easy to justify eating a handful of Hershey's kisses or an extra cookie after lunch, and we're more compelled to buy that dancing bear/singing toilet seat/rubber chicken. Come January, however, it's hard not to feel just plain gross - credit card bills are piling up and that extra ten pound can drag one down.

If eleven months of the year you think before you open my mouth and wallet, but slide in December, then follow these simple tips to help make it through to the new year.

1. Starting a diet on December 1st instead of January 1st. Backwards logic? I think not! Thinking about what you're eating is actually more satisfying in the long run. Say no to the office fruitcake, but yes to an after dinner piece of chocolate, instead of doing both.

2. Putting money normally used for to-go coffee towards gift purchases. This strategy should satisfy BOTH goals - less calories and more money.

3. Eating BEFORE going to holiday parties. This will help cut back on snacking on tempting treats.

4. Give cash to nieces and nephews. Instead of giving cutsy, expensive toys, put $10 in a card for them to spend however they decided.

5. Make a list and a budget and stick to it. Wait on a good price for the things on your list and don't be afraid to buy used - Craigslist can be your friend.

6. Sell, sell, sell. Craigslist continues to be your friend. Clean out that junk closet and post unwanted, unused, impulse purchases from last year on the free online classifieds site. It's genius!

7. Shop with cash. Consumers tend to spend an average of 12% to 18% more when they use a credit card. Not this year!

8. Pare down holiday decorations. One tree, one set of lights. Turn on some holiday music and voila it's time to celebrate.

9. Co-host a holiday party. Share the time and expense of the holiday party with a friend or family member. Another cost cutting measure is to serve appetizers instead of a meal.

10. Plan ahead for next year. Hit the sale racks and stock up for next year. There are certain things you already know you'll need - like more holiday lights!

Let's start off 2008 right!

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